is an artist, designer, maker and creative facilitator, based in the North East of Scotland.
From her vibrant studio in Aberdeen, she works with textiles, creating one off designs and limited edition collections of colourful characters, playful jewellery and homeware accessories.
Elaine also makes bespoke pieces, working with customers’ drawings and/or design ideas as inspiration for final designs. She often incorporates fabric into her designs that holds much sentiment and value to her customers, making each piece extra special and truly unique.
Embracing opportunities to share her creative skills, explore new ways of working, inspire others and be inspired, Elaine divides her time between working on her own designs and making bespoke pieces and working on a wide range of creative projects.
As a Senior Creative Practitioner for Grampian Hospitals Art Trust, Elaine also facilitates creative art sessions for patients, visitors and staff across NHS grampian sites and community settings.
Elaine’s creative practice is centred around her love of colour and pattern, her playful imagination and her lifelong passion for making and creating. Influenced by concepts of childhood and nostalgia, she aspires to capture the sense of wonder and endearment these themes evoke in her work. Often shaped by her own memories of childhood and her experiences while raising her children, her practice explores connections between fabric and narratives and how these can stimulate memories and emotions.​​​​
Elaine loves the process of making. The absorbing practice of working with her hands, the tactile qualities of the materials she works with, the enriching act of ‘playing’ and exploring with different materials and processes and the satisfaction in seeing her designs evolve and resolve, all give her a deep sense of joy and calm.
Elaine really cares about the world she lives in and believes that even the smallest of steps taken to reduce, reuse and recycle can make a positive difference. Much of the fabric she works with is reclaimed - sourced and collected from pre-loved and discarded garments that she deconstructs and repurposes. While most of her remnants and off cuts are collected and sorted, with smaller pieces shredded and used as filling and larger pieces used across different projects. She promotes sustainability and encourages minimal waste while working with others - planning projects that encourage the reuse and upcycling of materials where possible.
Elaine embraces opportunities to support wellbeing through creativity. Understanding the positive impact that engagement with creative experiences can have on emotional, mental and physical health, she works with empathy and compassion while encouraging those she’s working with to explore and express themselves freely, at their own pace.